
Cameras shooting Cameras

More shots with the Nikon 1 V1 with 18.5mm f/1.8. This time featuring more of the Minolta CLE. I can always count on my brother to have a neat camera or three with him; he spends way to much time shopping!

My brother always has a cool new old camera
1/30s, f/4.5, ISO1600

Old classic and new classic?
1/80s, f/1.8, ISO800

Minolta CLE
1/80s, f/1.8, ISO800

These shots have been tweaked just a bit in Lightroom but they are otherwise pretty true to what came out of the camera. By the looks of it, ISO800 is very usable on the V1, with ISO1600 holding up ok in good light. If you look closely at the black finish, you'll see some marks. That's not noise, but rather fingerprints. To be honest, it's hard to find a truly awful camera these days.

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